Sunday, March 3, 2013

3.3.2013: 遵行上帝的心意

Luke 6:1-16


我很看重教条,多过看重人的需要。有时,当我反醒的时候,我真的觉得我很像法利赛人,求主怜悯!例如:团契生活,在这里Putrajaya,只要我没被派到KL外面的医院,我都会出席的。但是,在Sibu时候,我真的不想去团契。总觉得很陌生,因为我几乎十年不在Sibu的了,觉得团契里的人很陌生。我记得去年十二月我去参加了团契,才坐了一下真的很想很想离开。我的朋友(非信徒,她是我小学的朋友)本来是约好了一起去,突然她肚子痛不能去。:( 在Sibu时,我之所以去团契是因为"基督徒一定要去团契"。我记得有一年,我回来时,玛娜姨姨带我去参加一个事工(I do not want to reveal it here)。当然,看到忽然有个新来的17岁的我,其中,有一位长辈问我你有去团契吗?我说没有。。。I don't know why, I was offended by his question or maybe the look that he gave me. But it's ok, it is true that I never been to any fellowship. I remembered, the first time when I went to fellowship is when Lilian Hii, my senior in CUCMS brought me to the fellowship @ her church there. I really enjoyed there, I will attend whenever I came back to Sibu for holidays and every Saturday, I will join their 5a.m. morning prayer. After that, we, the youth will go out and have breakfast together. Only recently, I decided to come back to my mother church youth fellowship. I won't think too much for the time being nor I will ask God why I was sent to Penang at the age of 13, believing that He has His plan, a plan which is the best for me.... The fact that I went to the fellowship when I was in Sibu because it is a must for Christian, the so called 团契生活make me feel like I was bounded to the rules. Unlike when I was in Putrajaya, I learnt a lot of new things through my cell group! Yay!

两者如何取得平衡? I don't know, I will ask someone better and more knowledgeable than me about this.


当然需要!我时时刻刻,无论我在那里我都会祷告,可能是因为我经历过祷告的大能和明白祷告是什么。甚至有时我开眼睛的祷告,特别是在Ward round的时候。。。今年,我希望能早上五点爬起来祷告!!!求神帮助我,看重灵修和祷告的重要性,胜过一切!


  1. Evelyn,if we can have our morning prayer that will be great! I used to wake up at 5am and read the scriptures followed by prayers. Pastor Wong Mee Ing was the person to encourage us to beef up our spiritual life. Nowadays, I woke up at 5am to have my morning brisk walk, but during that one hour, I was praying while walking. And thus I read the scriptures when I was in the shop. God will guide us when we are seeking him. 团契生活固然是好,但是如果你没有归属感,尤其是在福源堂,我可以了解。Because most of your friends are not there, you are more or less like visitor. If I were you I would feel the same too, and I opined that there is nothing wrong with that. If you come home, just be yourself, no need to be bound by the rules, because there is not supposed to be such rule. I don't go to any 团契 because I am busy but I serve God in other way, like the Sunday school. I think it is perfectly alright. What is more important is our relationship with God. If you go to fellowship out of obligation, it serves no purpose because you don't gain anything out of it. I must say, some of the church peoples are like pharisees. Remember, God looks at our hearts.

    1. Hi aunty, yes you are right, I shouldn't be bound by the rules. Amazingly, I start to make new friends in the fellowship. They are really kind and helpful, beside giving me supports and encouragement when I was down (my grandpa incident). I felt like God is sending me a few angels before He took away my grandpa. I don't know exactly how God works but that is what I felt. And during last holidays also, I started to join their small group gathering and I had a very wonderful experience. Thank you Lord for everything :)
