Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A traumatic breech in labour for Me

Last oncall, I had a breech in labour. Didn't manage to send for emergency caesarean section. There's another two ongoing emergency caesarean section (Acute Pulmonary Oedema with severe PE unable TRO HELLP with platelet count of 33 and another emergency caesarean section for fetal bradycardia). This is my third vaginal breech delivery since I become a medical officer.

Not fun. Unexpectedly, patient is a primigravida (first time pregnant). Her os became full within 30 mins, from 4 cm to 10 cm. 10 cm is when your cervix is fully dilated and preparing for vaginal delivery. Somemore it is a footling breech (footling breech is when the presenting part of the baby is foot, instead of buttock). In assisted vaginal breech delivery, buttock presentation is easier and it is associated with lower risk.

Attended with a senior and specialist. Thank God that it went well, baby and mother are both safe. However, it is a traumatic one for me.

Really thankful for the teamwork, and the gazetting specialist who came just in time.

The next day during my postcall, I went and saw the mother. I thanked her for giving us the full cooperation during the labour. She was doing an excellent job.

The baby was extubated the next day, doing well too.

At some point, it was a very palpitating, stressful and traumatic event. My first two breech in labour went on smoothly, but this time it was a different experience.

That's what we are facing in  medical, not all came out to the show just like what is in the textbook.



During my last oncall, when I was in the emergency OT, the staff nurse broadcast the hymns from her handphone. She had a nice speaker. Nice songs: 10,000 reasons, As the deer panteth for the water and other songs. It was so calm while doing the emergency caesarean section. Baby delivered well :) Really happy and contented to see this gift of life.

It is great to attend deliveries. You will feel happy if the mother and baby are both doing well. However, in medical, sometimes things may go wrong with unexpected obstetric emergencies, complications and etc. Therefore, you must always be equipped.

In good times, you must celebrate life. In bad times or emergencies, you need to learn how to handle it. That is life.

