Luke 6:1-16
我很看重教条,多过看重人的需要。有时,当我反醒的时候,我真的觉得我很像法利赛人,求主怜悯!例如:团契生活,在这里Putrajaya,只要我没被派到KL外面的医院,我都会出席的。但是,在Sibu时候,我真的不想去团契。总觉得很陌生,因为我几乎十年不在Sibu的了,觉得团契里的人很陌生。我记得去年十二月我去参加了团契,才坐了一下真的很想很想离开。我的朋友(非信徒,她是我小学的朋友)本来是约好了一起去,突然她肚子痛不能去。:( 在Sibu时,我之所以去团契是因为"基督徒一定要去团契"。我记得有一年,我回来时,玛娜姨姨带我去参加一个事工(I do not want to reveal it here)。当然,看到忽然有个新来的17岁的我,其中,有一位长辈问我你有去团契吗?我说没有。。。I don't know why, I was offended by his question or maybe the look that he gave me. But it's ok, it is true that I never been to any fellowship. I remembered, the first time when I went to fellowship is when Lilian Hii, my senior in CUCMS brought me to the fellowship @ her church there. I really enjoyed there, I will attend whenever I came back to Sibu for holidays and every Saturday, I will join their 5a.m. morning prayer. After that, we, the youth will go out and have breakfast together. Only recently, I decided to come back to my mother church youth fellowship. I won't think too much for the time being nor I will ask God why I was sent to Penang at the age of 13, believing that He has His plan, a plan which is the best for me.... The fact that I went to the fellowship when I was in Sibu because it is a must for Christian, the so called 团契生活make me feel like I was bounded to the rules. Unlike when I was in Putrajaya, I learnt a lot of new things through my cell group! Yay!
两者如何取得平衡? I don't know, I will ask someone better and more knowledgeable than me about this.
当然需要!我时时刻刻,无论我在那里我都会祷告,可能是因为我经历过祷告的大能和明白祷告是什么。甚至有时我开眼睛的祷告,特别是在Ward round的时候。。。今年,我希望能早上五点爬起来祷告!!!求神帮助我,看重灵修和祷告的重要性,胜过一切!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
2.3.2013: 更新操练 Learn to Spiritually renewed
Luke 5:33-39
1.我的生命与生活中的“需要”,“重要” 和 “优先次序”是怎样的?
In my daily life, having the quiet time in the morning has become my priority. Initially it is not like that.
When I have times in the morning, I will read the bible and meditate on God's Words. There are also times where I will do other stuff first in the morning. E.g. continue my assignments, read something or prepare my breakfast! I will have my quiet times at night, before I sleep.
However, as time goes by, I started to prioritize my quiet time with God and make it a compulsory thing in the morning, after I get myself ready to go to hospital/college. I even prioritize it over my breakfast. I no longer prepare my breakfast, I will just grab something in hospital/college. Why is it so?
Point 1: Beginning my day with spiritual food
I use Bible in One Year application in my iPad as the guide for my daily devotion. Everyday, I will have to read a small section from Psalms/Proverbs, New Testament and Old Testament. Following that, there is some explanation for the bible verse that I just read. The author of this Apps will extract some points from what I have just read. Hence, when I met any hardship during the day, I will browse back the verse that I have read or the point that I got in that morning. This give me peace and I can act wisely, rather than been very impulsive in response to the hardship. In the smooth and sailing times, I will remember God and praise Him, also, by meditating his Words that I had gone through in the morning. And as times go by, things get better. I started to control myself from being anger towards certain things that occur during the day, and now, I would say that my life had become better than the life I have before this!
Point 2: I don't want to Procrastinate
This is my based on my personal experience, once I stopped reading the bible and meditate for one day, I will persistently stop it, as if I am having a long holidays for reading the bible. It is not good because without God's Words, I could easily fall into the temptation.
Regarding my "needs" and my "desire". Honestly, I was a bit messed up with that. My needs is to study, and my desire will be all sorts of entertainment. And here, I need to learn how to control myself from spending too much times for my desire!!
26.2.2013: 木匠和渔夫
Luke 5:1-11
最近,在 facebook 里看到一个契友的信心摇动,我非常伤心。本身因为学业都忙不过气了,忽然又看到"他"facebook 里post 的东西,好担心。真的很想放弃联络这位弟兄,可是这不是圣经的教导啊。况且,我有信息过助长,叫她不要放弃,为什么现在我要沮丧呢?加油利翩,我会继续为他祷告,神啊,请你教我该怎么帮,我该怎么帮助他?我相信祢的意念高过我的意念,求祢救这位弟兄,如同五年钱,不管我在这么生气祢,埋怨祢,责怪祢,祢都把我救回来。能认识祢并在生活里经历祢,是我这一生的福气!
最近,在 facebook 里看到一个契友的信心摇动,我非常伤心。本身因为学业都忙不过气了,忽然又看到"他"facebook 里post 的东西,好担心。真的很想放弃联络这位弟兄,可是这不是圣经的教导啊。况且,我有信息过助长,叫她不要放弃,为什么现在我要沮丧呢?加油利翩,我会继续为他祷告,神啊,请你教我该怎么帮,我该怎么帮助他?我相信祢的意念高过我的意念,求祢救这位弟兄,如同五年钱,不管我在这么生气祢,埋怨祢,责怪祢,祢都把我救回来。能认识祢并在生活里经历祢,是我这一生的福气!
25.2.2013: 灵力充沛的生命与事奉
Luke 4::31-44
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