Sunday, December 29, 2013













老爸常常覺得你實在很幸福,你們這一代的人都是,我告訴你這個故事,是希望你不需要等到和鄰居打架,才發覺這個道理。下定決心服務人群的史懷哲,在完成了醫學、神學、演奏學三個博士學位之後,才踏上前往非洲的旅程。每次,當老爸受邀作非洲服務的相關演講,之後的Q&A 中,年輕學子最常問到的問題就是:「現階段的我們該如何準備,才能去第三世界服務?」



孩子,你要先體會自己是一個幸福的接受者——「知道自己從上天白白領受恩典」,然後分享你所領受的福氣給人。上帝會給你更多,你就越有力量幫助更多的人,這是一個良性循環的迴路。這種情況下,你更不需要比,「You got nothing to lose !」——在人生這件事上,你只會越贏越多。

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


我亲爱的弟弟妹妹们,等我哦~ 我渴望到你们那儿去,我因主的缘故,盼望早日与你们在主里 相聚,述说祂的奇妙恩典!所以,要努力读书。

如果能的话,我也想把我姐拉去。但,不知她有没有这个负担? 更何况,目前 我的母堂好需要她哦!父啊,求祢继续让我们两,无论在哪里都好,继续让我们做祢重用的器皿,成为他人的祝福,啊门!

离考试还有23天。压力 好大,可是 总要对阿爸天父有信心啊!

Sunday, December 22, 2013




Friday, November 29, 2013


Source: 卫理报951期 



Wednesday, November 20, 2013



Monday, August 26, 2013

26th Aug 2013, 11.47 pm



Tuesday, August 20, 2013

爱是不保留 Unreserved Love (华语版)

常听说世界爱没长久 哪里会有爱无尽头
尘俗的爱只在乎曾拥有 一刻灿烂便要走
而我却确信 爱是恒久 碰到了你已无别求
无从解释 不可说明的爱 千秋过後仍长存不朽

谁人受痛苦被悬挂在木头 至高的爱尽见於刺穿的手
看血在流反映爱没保留 持续不死的爱到万世不休
惟求奉上生命全归主所有 要将一切尽献於我主的手
我已决定今生再没所求 惟望得主称赞已足够

[Unreserved Love]I've always been told love won't survive,
Promises will turn into lies,
The world just thinks love comes and passes through,
It never lasts pure and true.

But I still believe love can last,
It's your unfailing love that gives me rest,
You were there when I needed you most,
I'll never walk all alone.

On the cross you died and took away my curse/sin,
Love so wondrous no one ever could deserve,
Your bleeding hands proved your love unreserved,
You're my greatest joy and treasure on the earth.

Make my life a fragrant offering I pray,
Help me Lord to serve you truly every day,
Through tears and joy I'll give you all my praise,
Let the whole world know your love and grace.


"Even if you don't go to Penang, do you really think that you can help your family members to change their course of life?" - Ma Nar yi yi.

Only in You that I can depend on now. And please help me, to walk out of the darkness... Please, remind me always, that things on earth are temporary, even a relationship. 
惟求奉上生命全归主所有 要将一切尽献於我主的手 我已决定今生再没所求 惟望得主称赞已足够.

In remembrance of my late grandpa.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Something I am CRAVING for right now..

1. The Grace Card
2. Lion of Judah
3. Chariots of Fire

Those who love the movies; The Phantom of the Opera and The Sounds of Music, I recommend you to watch Les Miserables! I had watched it, it's a nice one :)

Whoever know where I can watch the movie, "The Grace Card", please let me know.. Really want to watch it, I have the feeling that I need to watch it.....

thank you.. time to study.. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

My spiritual partner, my angel, my sister!

God gives me an angel, before He took away my beloved grandfather. So, what is that? Here is my sharing..

I met a friend in Masland Methodist Youth Fellowship and later, we become spiritual partners. 

She is a very good friend, I still remembered, the night after the funeral, I was very sad. I sat in the car and called her up..and I could not control myself and cried. We talked for a very long time, and amazingly she managed to make me smile in the end. Even before my grandpa passed away, she will either come to my place or I will go to her house, and we will have a so called sharing session? We shared a lot of things :) I thank God for giving me an angel!

She is my spiritual partner, she gives me encouragement, continuously. She said I should avoid all the voices around me and focus only on God's voice. She encouraged me to learn how to pray. She gave me reading materials to boost up my spirituality. I can send her my prayer requests and she will pray for me. Only now I realized, how important it is for one to have a spiritual partner, so that whenever one is weak in faith, another one will encourage and they will walk through it together. I thank God for giving me an angel!

Last but not least, she is like a big sister. There was once, after the cell group fellowship, she sent me back. On our way, the light of the lamp posts on the road suddenly went on and off. I told her that I was scared and she immediately asked me not to be scared while patting on me. The night when my grandpa encountered the second attack, I was so scared, I don't know what to do and I called her up, although nothing much she can do. But I know she did pray for my family well-being. Again, I thank God, for giving me an angel!

Well, if you asked me am I thankful for my mum, my grandma and etc. Yes, I do! And now I thank you Lord for giving me a friend/spiritual partner/sister. I am writing this, so that I know how blessed I am. 

Proverbs 18:24, "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

I have found one but ultimately, of course, Jesus is the friend who sticks closer than a brother/sister!

Now I am already on the flight, I guess it is going to land soon? Hopefully! I am really tired but I still have to finish up 3 case reports! Gambateh!

In the airplane

She is ....
Lending me a shoulder to cry, when problems came I failed to bear,
In your hectic life you give a try, wiping away all my tears.
Somehow we seldom spend much time together,
Always, we remember each other in prayer.

10/8/2013, 11 pm.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

My grandfather, an amazing man!

My grandfather just passed away, actually it has been one month already. Yes, I know he is going to somewhere better now, he is back to the eternal home. I still remember, everytime whenever I come back to Sibu, he will ask, "when are you graduating." He is happy that I am studying medicine. But.. Why can't you just wait for my graduation day? It's only a year left. I always want to treat my grandma and grandpa a good meal using my first salary.. But, I just can't make it :'( yes, I have money now but I know they will be more than happy if I treat them using my first salary! My grandma told me, no need to buy them anything or treat them with good and expensive food, just get a certificate of degree and show me, she said it is enough. 

I really like what my 3rd uncle said,

3 virtues that our late grandpa left for us:
1. Love God, love the church
2. Love your family members
3. Live a simple and happy life

Those are the virtues my late grandpa left for me, in fact for us.. I promised I will love God, and love the church. As long as I am still able to serve God, by God's will.. I will. For God love me so dearly. He even prepare an angel for me before He took away my grandpa. Thank you Lord! Love your family members, yes I will. Live a simple and happy life, it is not easy.. A month in KL I was so fatigue and exhausted. I am still adapting with the situation that my grandpa is no longer here with us. In short, I lived a terrible life for the past one month. I can hardly sleep and almost 5 days in a week, I will wake up in early morning, somewhere around 2.30am. Yes, I do believe eternal life, but of course, memories come in once in a while, especially when I saw elderly patients. Everything was upside down and finally I chose to run away for a while. I came back last Friday and now I am in Sibu Airport waiting for my flight to KL. What happened to me? 

Dear Heavenly Father, surely you will carry me through all this terrible times. A life of a Christian is never a smooth sailing one and in Psalm 130, the psalmist said that in their suffering, they called upon God, they prayed. They waited for God, in peace. I will be ok. And I have to change, don't be drifted too far away emotionally, it is affecting my works.. 1 things I realized, I started to have a closer relationship with God. The quiet times with Him is so precious nowadays. And I am listening to Him..

Sibu Airport

Sunday, July 7, 2013



我心里回答说,"我会象诗人们在诗篇130里,因着信来等候(v.5),仰望(v.5),守望(v.6) 祢。谢谢祢,因我在低落时可以向你呼求,因祢不撇下我。当祢沉默时,我选择相信。放假了一个月,明天我将会在次回到病房里了。感恩。。。求祢赐给我爱心和智慧。求祢时时刻刻与我同在,奉耶稣基督名求的,阿们。"

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fire fire, so what?

This evening, a roaring flame sweeping through a few houses in its path, like a great famished beast devouring everything while belching out black smoke.... . in the kampung area? that's what I heard. I was thinking, what can I do to help?! Oh, I am alone, knowing nothing, so can I help. Then I was thinking, did the church send out any care group team? I don't know. Suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night due to a nightmare and partly because the alarm in my house rang. I start thinking of the victims  >.< God please help them, if there is anything I can do tomorrow, please reveal it to me so that I can do something tomorrow, since I am now in Sibu. I will discuss with the elderly tomorrow and ask them for the updates..! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

3.3.2013: 遵行上帝的心意

Luke 6:1-16


我很看重教条,多过看重人的需要。有时,当我反醒的时候,我真的觉得我很像法利赛人,求主怜悯!例如:团契生活,在这里Putrajaya,只要我没被派到KL外面的医院,我都会出席的。但是,在Sibu时候,我真的不想去团契。总觉得很陌生,因为我几乎十年不在Sibu的了,觉得团契里的人很陌生。我记得去年十二月我去参加了团契,才坐了一下真的很想很想离开。我的朋友(非信徒,她是我小学的朋友)本来是约好了一起去,突然她肚子痛不能去。:( 在Sibu时,我之所以去团契是因为"基督徒一定要去团契"。我记得有一年,我回来时,玛娜姨姨带我去参加一个事工(I do not want to reveal it here)。当然,看到忽然有个新来的17岁的我,其中,有一位长辈问我你有去团契吗?我说没有。。。I don't know why, I was offended by his question or maybe the look that he gave me. But it's ok, it is true that I never been to any fellowship. I remembered, the first time when I went to fellowship is when Lilian Hii, my senior in CUCMS brought me to the fellowship @ her church there. I really enjoyed there, I will attend whenever I came back to Sibu for holidays and every Saturday, I will join their 5a.m. morning prayer. After that, we, the youth will go out and have breakfast together. Only recently, I decided to come back to my mother church youth fellowship. I won't think too much for the time being nor I will ask God why I was sent to Penang at the age of 13, believing that He has His plan, a plan which is the best for me.... The fact that I went to the fellowship when I was in Sibu because it is a must for Christian, the so called 团契生活make me feel like I was bounded to the rules. Unlike when I was in Putrajaya, I learnt a lot of new things through my cell group! Yay!

两者如何取得平衡? I don't know, I will ask someone better and more knowledgeable than me about this.


当然需要!我时时刻刻,无论我在那里我都会祷告,可能是因为我经历过祷告的大能和明白祷告是什么。甚至有时我开眼睛的祷告,特别是在Ward round的时候。。。今年,我希望能早上五点爬起来祷告!!!求神帮助我,看重灵修和祷告的重要性,胜过一切!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

2.3.2013: 更新操练 Learn to Spiritually renewed

Luke 5:33-39

1.我的生命与生活中的“需要”,“重要” 和 “优先次序”是怎样的?

In my daily life, having the quiet time in the morning has become my priority. Initially it is not like that.

When I have times in the morning, I will read the bible and meditate on God's Words. There are also times where I will do other stuff first in the morning. E.g. continue my assignments, read something or prepare my breakfast! I will have my quiet times at night, before I sleep.

However, as time goes by, I started to prioritize my quiet time with God and make it a compulsory thing in the morning, after I get myself ready to go to hospital/college. I even prioritize it over my breakfast. I no longer prepare my breakfast, I will just grab something in hospital/college. Why is it so?

Point 1: Beginning my day with spiritual food

I use Bible in One Year application in my iPad as the guide for my daily devotion. Everyday, I will have to read a small section from Psalms/Proverbs, New Testament and Old Testament. Following that, there is some explanation for the bible verse that I just read. The author of this Apps will extract some points from what I have just read. Hence, when I met any hardship during the day, I will browse back the verse that I have read or the point that I got in that morning. This give me peace and I can act wisely, rather than been very impulsive in response to the hardship. In the smooth and sailing times, I will remember God and praise Him, also, by meditating his Words that I had gone through in the morning. And as times go by, things get better. I started to control myself from being anger towards certain things that occur during the day, and now, I would say that my life had become better than the life I have before this!

Point 2: I don't want to Procrastinate

This is my based on my personal experience, once I stopped reading the bible and meditate for one day, I will persistently stop it, as if I am having a long holidays for reading the bible. It is not good because without God's Words, I could easily fall into the temptation.

Regarding my "needs" and my "desire". Honestly, I was a bit messed up with that. My needs is to study, and my desire will be all sorts of entertainment. And here, I need to learn how to control myself from spending too much times for my desire!!

26.2.2013: 木匠和渔夫

Luke 5:1-11



最近,在 facebook 里看到一个契友的信心摇动,我非常伤心。本身因为学业都忙不过气了,忽然又看到"他"facebook 里post 的东西,好担心。真的很想放弃联络这位弟兄,可是这不是圣经的教导啊。况且,我有信息过助长,叫她不要放弃,为什么现在我要沮丧呢?加油利翩,我会继续为他祷告,神啊,请你教我该怎么帮,我该怎么帮助他?我相信祢的意念高过我的意念,求祢救这位弟兄,如同五年钱,不管我在这么生气祢,埋怨祢,责怪祢,祢都把我救回来。能认识祢并在生活里经历祢,是我这一生的福气!

25.2.2013: 灵力充沛的生命与事奉

Luke 4::31-44




Sunday, February 24, 2013

24.2.2013: 圣灵运行 The work of Holy Spirit

Luke 4:14-30



朋友回复,除了祷告,我们还要有行动!就比如参加教会的社会关怀事工,参与了才会体验到。原来如此,我记得 Bro. Joshua 有说过,我们要负责任,不是把重担在祷告里交托给上帝后就不管了,也没行动!


Friday, February 22, 2013

22.2.2013: 耶稣可以改变你的家族 Jesus can change your Family

Luke 3: 23-28

我在意我家族的救恩吗? 我要如何让耶稣来到我家族中?

我很在意我家族的救恩!! 我希望我能活出基督的样式,好让我的家庭成员能够从我身上看到耶稣。我也希望通过我的见证分享能够坚定他们对神的信心。

Thursday, February 21, 2013

21.2.2013: 耶稣受洗 Jesus Baptism

Luke 3:21-22

1. 我是否愿意接受洗礼归入主的名下作上帝的儿女?


2. 我计划如何每一天与神亲近,向祂倾述?


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

20.2.2013: 勇敢见证真道 Testify the Truth Bravely

Luke 3:1-20

1. 我有害怕什么促使我们不要传讲真理,见证基督吗?


2. 我在哪些方面需要悔改,顺服上帝,服事他人?



我:我刚刚帮一个精神分裂症的患者祷告。她说她是天主教,玛利亚是她的女朋友。她说昨晚有邪灵上身,她昨晚也被绑起来。我相信因为她的手有sign of being tied up. 我叫她不要去相信所看到和听到的奇奇怪怪的东西。她也承认那些都不是真的。我问她要祷告吗?她说她要可是不记得怎么祷告。所以我就赶快跟她说罪是什么,神是谁,为什么要接受耶稣基督? 过后就我就祷告,我说一句她跟一句。过后她跟我说谢谢。我在想我有没有疯掉。。。

志: 病人的需要 我觉得你做得很好,加油!做得好啊
忆: 世人的眼光会认为你很奇怪,可是上帝疼爱每个灵魂。你做得没错,你很勇敢。加油!

我: 头头我也一直犹豫,没式过在大庭广众的带领人祷告,刚才我也很害怕。我会继续加油!现在要预备下,今晚六点会前往ipoh的精神病医院了。可以为我祷告吗?在精神病房的每一时每一刻我都很害怕(加上我本来就怕鬼的)。求那加给我力量的神继续保护我,带领我。。可能在别人的眼里,我跟病人一起疯,可是我应该看重的是上帝的眼光。。

英: 我不这么认为你跟病人一起疯,你是因为神的缘故你才这么做..你做得很好哦,加油..

I was so blurred initially, that is why I shared it with them. I was grateful to God for these awesome friends. They are angels on earth. I give thanks to God for placing such a wonderful friends around me, they helped and encouraged me to stay in the right path.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

19.2.2013: 学耶稣的样式 Learning the Way of Jesus

Luke 2:41-52

1. 是否有家人或朋友曾说过,我的生命和生活让他们看见主耶稣的样式?


2. 我有哪些缺点要改善或罪恶要对付,使我更像主耶稣?

A) secret...
B) 我很常,遇到苦难时会跌到,想放弃。我应该时时刻刻都记住上帝的恩典和在我生命中的奇迹,并且继续的信靠祂!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

17.2.2013: 谦卑耶稣 The humble Jesus Christ

Luke 2:1-20

1. 我是否了解自己在上帝国度里的任务?我对弱势边缘的人能给予怎样实际的关怀?

我的任务不就是传福音吗?还有一个command就是爱人如己!回想过去,我都是以我拥有的一点金钱来帮助人或fund raising。其它帮助就是帮病人的家属找椅子给他们坐,或者,关心病人的需要。。。例如,他们需要喝的水等等。朋友方面,就有时会牺牲我的时间来听他们诉苦。最多,我做到的就是,放下自尊心做一件事(秘密),为了基督的缘故。。。况且,我怕那位契友离开基督徒,我也一直不断的为他祷告。

看来,我还是做的不够,一边大字的时候,突然有想我是否读Mother Teressa的书呢。。哈哈

2. 我是否已经得到上帝所赐的真正平安。

Saturday, February 16, 2013

16.2.2012: 将来如何?How About the Future?

Luke 1:57-80

1. 我喜欢父母给我取的名字吗?为什么?
我很喜欢我的英文名,Evelyn。在希伯来文的意识是 life(生命)。我希望我的生命能影响更多人来认识主耶稣,并得着那真正永恒的生命。而我的华语名字叫利翩。我觉得很特别,因为目前我没遇到其她人用这个名字 :) 所以,我超喜欢!

2. 我是否清楚上帝所托付给我的使命?

3. 我愿意顺服主,完成上帝所赋于你的使命吗?
YES!! 主啊,求你保守我的心,胜过这俗世的诱惑!

Friday, February 15, 2013

15.2.2013: 经历神迹的生命 Life with Miracle

Luke 1: 26 - 52

1. 我有没有失去灵里的喜乐?马利亚的经历对我说了什么?



其实,我不该伤心。反而我需要为这些没去晨祷会的会友来代祷啊!盼望有一天,他们能够参与这般长辈们一起举起祷告的手来为教会和众弟兄姐妹来代求!其实,我也好不到那里。那时,我能出席,是因为我正在放假啊~ 若我需要上课和去医院,我也起不来!求神帮助我!这,都是使我失去灵里的喜乐。。。


2. 目前,我的生命有否自我中心?我要如何经历上帝的无所不能呢?



“曾经我经历了神的奇迹,如今我还在经历神的奇迹,将来我必在经历神的奇迹!” #150213/2/利翩

14.2.2013: 蒙大恩者 The Blessed

Luke 1: 26 - 38

1. 如果今天神也向我启示祂为我生命所定的计划,我会如何反应?

I will accept it with happiness. It was because my God is the Al-Mighty God. Nothing is too impossible for him. Today, after going through Luke 1:26-38 and the article, I was very happy. It was because currently I am a medical student. Mary, by faith, she obeyed. So am I. I want to learn from her, that by faith, God will bring me through all the circumstances. In fact, there were lots of miracles in my life already, then why should I have that little of faith? I am strong, through the strength that He gave me. Last CNY, I remembered Lisa's mum told me how difficult is his son, now a specialist in Sibu Hospital going through all those training, such as on call. I told her I was scared. She said it's ok, I can still become a lecturer for nursing institution. In my heart I was like "yes, there are still ways to get out!". See, the little faith of mine!

"Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me for the little faith of mine. Please continue to guide me as I am willing to surrender to you. Lead me not to fall into temptation, for I will try my very best to never stop reading bible everyday. Let me be whatever You had planned for me, and as for the time being, I will study, in preparation to become a doctor. In Jesus name I pray, amen."

2. 如果我要把基督带进我的世界,什么是我会面对最大的挑战与困难?

Worldly things and positions. 

13.2.2013: 祭司撒迦利亚 Zechariah The Priest

Luke 1:1 - 25

1.    我认为撒迦利亚是怎么样的一位怎样的祭司?

Righteous in the sight of God, observe God's commands and decrees.
My point of view: Surely they fear God, and they do things that are favorable in the eyes of
God! How? By observing the God's commands and decrees.

2. 他有什么值得我学习的呢?

I want to read bible everyday, without failing. By doing this, I am observing God's commands
and decrees and always be reminded with God's law. This is important to make sure I do not
fall into temptation.

Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 New Year's resolutions

My New Year’s Resolutions:

1. Daily Devotional Times (Read the bible EVERYDAY)
Never stop talking to God, and never stop reading God’s Words. Remember, reading bible is for your own Good! Remember how I fell during the last Christmas because I stopped relying on God. Hold on His Words so that I won't go astray again!

2. Let God continue to mold me.
In Jeremiah 18:4, "But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him."

I will be more sensitive to my surrounding advice, through hymnals…etc. Knowing that God will shape me as it seems the best to Him. Above all, I must pray continuously and read the bible everyday.

3. Lose weight!! 5 kg!!

4. Tithe and offerings
A tithe is defined as a "tenth part". The tithe is "first fruit" of your increase. The principle behind your tithe being your first fruit is you are recognizing God as your source of supply; He is the cause of your prosperity.

I will continue my tithes monthly (last year was a great success) and also my offerings. ^^, 

5. Going to enter my FINAL YEAR in medical school real soon!
Family Medicine exam is the biggest lesson that I learnt. Study consistently, do not procrastinate. Make notes (and compile it in a book) for my final year. 

"Remember, 为神而读!"-from an awesome sister from my mother church.

6. Practice to wake up at 5am to pray! Make it a habit, make sure I look for God first, before I start my day.
This is a challenge to myself, hopefully, with the help from God, I can do it!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Daily Devotional Day 6: Do not be DISCOURAGED, just trust in Him.

6th Jan, 2013.

As Joyce Meyer writes "Instead of becoming discouraged, depressed or angry when people disappoint us, God wants us to lift up our eyes, look around and trust him to lead us into an even better situation. He wants us to look around and count our blessings, instead of focusing what we do not have. He wants us to fix our eyes on him, not on the work of the enemy, because he has plans to bless us."

It is only because of the grace of God that Abraham is promised these amazing blessings. The intention was  that he would be a blessing to the whole world. Likewise for us, we are called to live under God's blessing and bring blessing to those around us.

-Extracted from Bible in One Year (Day 6) by Nicky Gumbel.

My own reflection:

1. Disappointed with the surroundings.
Often, there are lots of things happened around me. The injustice, the feeling disappointed with others attitude and etc. Not to say in newspaper everyday, there must be something happening. Facebook played an important role whereby we can get an updated news there :) I felt sad, disappointed, sometimes I did become angry but one thing that I had forgotten is to lift up my eyes upon Him, trust Him and believing that nothing is too impossible to Him.

Hence, starting from today, I will try to wipe away the tears of disappointment. Instead, I will pray, believing that He is in control of everything and He will lead the way!

2. I want an elder SISTER!!
I always asked my mum: "Mum, can I have an elder sister? I really want one."

It's a silly question, isn't it? Especially when this question is asked by a medical student! Of course, it is impossible, but that just showed how desperately I want an elder sister! I was born in a family with two siblings. One elder brother and I. Only two of us. I am grateful to have my brother because he is very protective and he take cares of the elderly in my family more than I do, since I wasn't at home most of the times.

In fact, today after reading through the highlighted words above, I should be grateful that at least I have an elder brother! Besides, I have plenty of friends around me! Especially my awesome housemates! It is ok that I don't have a sister, perhaps God will want me to learn something from that.

In Jeremiah 18:4, "But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him."

He will definitely shape me as seemed best to Him. This is what the Lord promised us! I will let God shape and mold me by becoming more sensitive to the surroundings, to the advice from others, to hymnals and above all, I will make sure that I will read the bible everyday. That is one of my New Year's resolutions.

What I got from Bro. Joshua today, "When you are blessed, share your blessings with others!"

After church service, it's time to study now! Not going to repeat what I have done during my Family Medicine posting :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Daily Devotional Day 1: Do not Give UP, knowing that God is with Us.

1st Jan, 2013

Today is the first day of the year. And it is a public holidays therefore I have no class today. It was great that I started my day with devotional (quiet time with God).

Thank you Lord for sending His only son, Jesus Christ and died for our sins, that we may come near to You. (Matthew 1:21, She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from the sins)

I promised, in future, I will never mention that I want to give up or stop being a doctor, anymore. Your grace is enough. Sometimes, it is just me, having a little of faith on myself but I must always know that nothing is too impossible for Our God. If God is with me, what else should I fear? Thank you that He is Immanuel (which means God with us), and this is the greatest promise for the new year- that in Jesus, You are with us. Please continue to guide my heart, throughout 2013. I also thank God for those angels surrounding me, May You bless them abundantly, and protect them, in everything that they do to glorify Your name. In Jesus name, I pray... amen.